Friday, January 25, 2008

In and Around

Some plants and blooms in and around my house.


Tira said...

Do you have every tropical flower in the world? LOL They all look so gorgeous, you must have the perfect climate and soil.

Green thumb said...

Dear Maverick24, you are really fortunate to be surrounded by so much of natural beauty both in and around your house. Nicole is very right in saying that Pune has the perfect climate and soil.Having lived there, I know very well that Pune is a gardener's paradise. And you have very brilliantly captured it all!!
Best Wishes

Maverick24 said...

Dear Nicole and Green Thumb - Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments.

Yes Pune does have nice weather - though right now I am close to getting frost bitten at 5 degrees Centigrade (41 degrees Farhenheit) :-)

As for soil, we do have some very nice nurseries around the area. You get very good soil rich in organic content and also I use a lot of organic manure in the garden.

Also we have a lot of birds that naturally fertilize the soil.
